Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Using Timbuktu on 64 bits only MacOSes and Linux.

Since MacOS 10.15 Catalina, MacOS is 64 bits only. Thus can’t run Timbuktu 8.8.5, latest released Mac versions. Which is a pity, as Timbuktu is so handy for sharing screen and files with old classic Mac OSes.

Here comes Timbuktu Windows version and PlayOnMac.

PlayOnMac gives way to run Windows applications on your Mac, with an easy to use Gui for Wine.

And a Windows Timbuktu version can be found here :

(Last download link Timbuktu 9.0.6 for Win7)

Here on a MacOS 12.7.5 Monterey connected to a PowerBook 1400c running System 7.6.1 :

For Linux, PlayOnLinux gives the same solution.

Here a small demo of a Debian 10 Intel MacBookPro connecting to a R-Pi with VNC, and to classic macOSes running on that same R-Pi in BasiliskII with Windows version Timbuktu via PlayOnMac :

Saturday, May 18, 2024


 Pike-Bishop is a PowerBook G4 Titanium, 1 GHz A1025, with 1GB of RAM.

Saturday, May 4, 2024


 Steven-Pushkov is a PowerBook 180c, 33Mhz 68030 processor, 8 Mb of Ram, and a BlueSCSI.